Angels Walking with Swans

Some cheering news this week: Poet’s Cottage is now being reprinted – extremely gratifying to know it’s kicking its legs up out there. Thank you to all who have bought a copy, asked your bookseller to get in copies – or have been kind enough to drop me a line to say you enjoyed it. You are all appreciated so much every day.


Here’s my daughter on her way to NIDA for Drama on the weekend. She loves her fake furs and swiping my vintage bags to walk around the streets pretending she’s a big girl.

And the postman delivered two special letters this week. One from an English teacher from Oatlands District High who was delighted to see my book and bought a copy. She was lovely enough to enclose in her letter a photograph from when I was at school. The world seemed such a different place then. No computers, endless time and a million paths to decide upon.


The other beautifully wrapped gift is from Tasmanian artist Jacqueline Rodemann, who sent me the loveliest necklace and brooch from her fabulous Etsy store, Under the Shade of a Bonsai Tree which you can find HERE as a thank you for me sending a copy of Poet’s Cottage to her artist mother for Mother’s Day when the stores had run out. I feel I am wearing a very special blue rose part of Tasmania now.


image from Under the Shade of a Bonsai Tree

Thank you very much to both ladies. It is heaven to receive gifts in the mail rather than bills. The penny in my rather blurred photograph is a 1940s penny I have near me in my writing shed. Anything that helps me to channel a different time period I’ll use.

And I am editing away on Currawong Manor as the air in my courtyard garden slowly grows chillier. This morning in the park, the mist clung over the wetlands.

It was a beautiful way to start the day. Just before dawn the angels are walking with swans.

4 Responses

  1. LISA HOWARD May 24, 2012 / 1:21 am

    Wonderful news Josie, re: the reprint of Poet’s Cottage. Janelle (my youngest sister) was telling me yesterday that after raving about how wonderful she had found Poet’s Cottage, two colleagues had been unable to purchase a copy & had needed to order it in. Janelle’s answer to them – You won’t be disappointed, it is worth the wait!

  2. josephinetalepeddler May 24, 2012 / 5:07 am

    Thank you, Lisa! It’s the enthusiasm of people like your lovely self who has helped the printer to crank up again. Keep the good vibes going so I get nil returns and the beautiful book sellers out there keep reordering. Pass my thanks on to Janelle as well. I always love to hear how the book is going out there. xx

  3. Wendy May 24, 2012 / 4:03 pm

    Your daughter is adorable in her acting phase – I hope it lasts! Good idea about using the vintage penny for writing inspiration. I so loved Poet’s Cottage and give it the big sell whenever I can. 🙂

    • josephinetalepeddler May 25, 2012 / 10:59 am

      Dear Wendy, thanks so much honey for spreading the good vibes for Poet’s Cottage. I’m so thrilled you enjoyed it. Yes, Daisy is a big Drama Queen but most of all – she loves being home telling her stories to herself. I wonder where she gets that from? xx

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