


It’s the first day of the new school-term. Although I’m pleased to have my writing time back to myself in the shed I miss my Daisy. Courtesy of The Writer’s Almanac, here’s a poem that probably sums up my girl’s feelings this morning.

The Schoolboy

by William Blake

<!– (from Songs of Experience)

I love to rise in a summer morn,
When the birds sing on every tree;
The distant huntsman winds his horn,
And the skylark sings with me:
Oh, what sweet company!

But to go to school in a summer morn, —
O it drives all joy away;
Under a cruel eye outworn,
The little ones spend the day
In sighing and dismay.

Ah then at times I drooping sit,
And spend many an anxious hour;
Nor in my book can I take delight,
Nor sit in learning’s bower,
Worn through with the dreary shower.

How can the bird that is born for joy
Sit in a cage and sing?
How can a child, when fears annoy,
But droop his tender wing,
And forget his youthful spring?

O father and mother, if buds are nipped,
And blossoms blown away;
And if the tender plants are stripped
Of their joy in the springing day,
By sorrow and care’s dismay, —

How shall the summer arise in joy,
Or the summer fruits appear?
Or how shall we gather what griefs destroy,
Or bless the mellowing year,
When the blasts of winter appear?

“The Schoolboy” by William Blake, from Songs of Experience,

This week I am aiming to stay awake. To be present and to write, write, write as in the quote above.

bunny yeager image source

deer image source

helena as enid blyton source


The Noisy Ghosts

I’ve now reached 25,000 words with my Currawong Book, which is why I’ve been a bit quiet on Facebook, Twitter and in Blogland. Some writers may scoff at that output but combined with being a full-time mother it’s not too dusty for me. With every 25,000 words, I reward myself with a small treat.


The annual Scarlet Stiletto Awards is on again. I didn’t think I would enter this year but a story has just begun to beat a little drum in my head.

And it has rained for days non-stop in Sydney which is heaven in the writing shed. In Little Brick we keep the fairy-lights on in the hope they chase the spirits away. 


Fairy lights to keep the spirits at bay


At night the wind is so strong, I wake all the time thinking a ghost is walking down the corridor banging and shaking the walls .

Little drum stories and noisy ghosts. It’s no wonder I am always weary.

ghost image source


A Stevie sort of mood

[youtube=]Had a lovely morning sitting in my little garden working on revisions for Poets Cottage. Fresh washing blowing on the line, cats asleep in the sun. Blue sky, bright pansies and geraniums and garden gnomes for company Perfect working environment. And then I was in the mood for some Stevie. I still live in the 70’s when it comes to music.

Writing with mist

I have taken the Summer curtains down at home and replaced them with the toile winter curtains. I am sad it is the end of the lovely Easter break. I do enjoy having Daisy at home even though it makes it impossible to write and I love not having to do the school run and lunches.

The Easter show is too expensive. Can’t believe for a family of three it cost nearly $100 to get into the gate to look at a few pigs and chickens. Daisy, of course, loves the pony rides and show bags, but for the same money we spent we could have had a night or two away in a good hotel.

A few photos from the show above. The print in the middle with the girl and bunny is one of the Emily Martin prints I have in Daisy’s room. I love her whimsical work. We did manage one day trip to the very misty mountains.

 I just need to get out of the city at times and walk through the bush, feel crisp, unpolluted air and escape air-traffic noise. I’ve carried the mist from the mountains back with me – it’s swirling around my laptop and through my mind, forming my current book in the Blue Mountains. I’m still plotting and feeling my way through the characters. When they’re ready to talk – I’ll begin. And last night I dreamt of Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, which has given me an idea for another short story.

 As David said, ‘you’re always working, even when you’re asleep.’

In Praise of Women

To celebrate International Women’s Day, here’s one of my fave inspiring women, Amanda de Cadenet in action.

I love this woman’s photography and the way she works to portray women through her photography of all shapes and sizes. Her lovely photos are always a joy to browse.  She has a wonderful  community site, for women which is located  HERE

And here’s a link to her official Blog as well which you can find HERE

amanda photo link

Happy New Year with Bogart, Bacall, and Tracy Anderson

Happy New Year to all from a sweltering Sydney oven.
I’m wilting in the heat. I find this city unbearable at this time of year. If you’re lucky enough to live near the water it would ease the pressure but the inner-city is an airless, dusty battery-hen cage.
Wishing you a joyous New Year and I’m looking forward to 2011.
Here is my comfort book.
 I re-read it over Christmas in two days. Despite knowing it so well, I couldn’t put it down. Amazing how you get a slightly different angle with the characters every time. It has such a sinister, dark edge to it. Clever, wonderful Daphne du Maurier.
And no surprises as to what I’ve been doing (see Tracy Anderson DVD).
That’s my big new year resolution. Writing is such a fattening job.
If you follow my Facebook, you’ll see that I’m not a fan of the fireworks at this time of year. I’ve had a mini-rant there about the waste of money, cost to the environment and the damage to the harbour, not to mention how it frightens animals. I found several others who also hate the fireworks. How about you? Are you pro the big bangs or, like me, believe it’s fiddling whilst Rome burns?
With all the Green perceptions globally and the fears for how fragile the planet is, I’m dismayed that firework displays are still so popular. I’ve been criticised in the past for my anti-fireworks stance and told that I don’t like people to enjoy magic.
Personally, I find far more magic, splendour and meaning in a simple blade of grass than in millions of dollars polluting the night skies with transient explosions of coloured lights – but that’s just me. I’m not even a fan of going out on New Year’s Eve. The Scribe and I spent a cosy evening with a bottle of Grand Marnier and The Big Sleep. We still aren’t sure what exactly happened in that confusing, twisty movie but Bacall and Bogart are magic. 
Off to try to catch some of the tiny breeze in our courtyard.
the big sleep image source 

Exciting Spaces

This week in the steamy heat I went to meet my editor at my agent’s house. It was very exciting to hear the edit is nearly completed and to be discussing such things as covers. It makes me realise that there really is going to be a book with a beautiful cover. 

And speaking of books with beautiful covers,I am mad about the new Frankie book SPACES.

So much loveliness it makes my heart ache. It’s filled with inspiring, creative people and their lovely spaces. People like Allison from Lark, Emily Chalmers from CARAVAN and Tif from Dottie Angel. All the pretty, whimsical, retro-twisty you would expect from FRANKIE. 

It is now time for Mangos, chilled grapes, sun-hats. The streets are already so hot you melt a little when you walk.

I am hidden away in my cool, brick terrace researching Australian artists in the 1940s.

The characters are forming so quickly. I now have their breath on my face. Breathing, breathing, impatiently waiting for me to start.   xx     


Blackheath Mist


Some of you may have noticed my old website has gone off the air. I loved it and deeply appreciate all the hard work my webmistress/friend Rhondda put into creating it. But I couldn’t update it easily – I’m so pants at Dreamweaver and really don’t have much time to spare with writing and motherhood.

I have my Tale Peddler blog for my more personal online musings but I still wanted to have a website more streamlined towards writing and the inspirations and thoughts that feed my books. And so here is my new website, where you will find those posts. The domain name remains

If you are more interested in the chit-chat family gossip, thoughts on interior design, films, and the odd Johnny Depp post, then Tale Peddler is where you might like to visit.

Sometimes the posts will overlap. Perhaps in the future I might join them together, as I have done in the post below:

We are now home from the misty mountains where I travelled for research for ‘Currawong House’. The trip was totally blissful. So difficult to return to gritty Sydney after the peace in Blackheath and very pretty Leura.

Bluebells and daffodils were everywhere and Blackheath kindly turned on a wonderful mist for us. Sadly, she kept the snow back until our return much to Daisy’s disgust. We ate holiday type food, read holiday books, lazed and shopped in antique shops. I woke predawn everyday to write in my notebook, walk through dew-soaked grass and follow the Currawongs.

Since our return we have had drama emergency rushes to the hospital with Daisy. Our five-year-old daughter has the distinction of being one of the rare children with gallstones. Sunshine is soaking Sydney streets. I love this time of year when the terraces in the old streets seem bathed in light.

The book is forming itself. I feel the story beginning to rise like mist in Blackheath streets.

Thank you for visiting me. xx