
Even a confirmed Winter lover as myself has to admit I’m enjoying the Spring weather and light in Sydney at the moment. Here is where I am every day in my writing shed.
Yes, we finally have the wall paper up and I love being in there amongst the birds and butterflies. It’s just lovely to work in the garden next to our big old tea-tree and palms and feel as though I’m amongst pink birds and butterflies. Birds and butterflies represent the soul to me and so it’s a great paper for a creative writing shed where we do our soul work. Just this morning, the most beautiful bird with a yellow breast came right to the window to peep at me. It’s magical in my shed! 
Over the next month or so we shall be doing more work on the shed to try to create a lovely as space as possible for both our books. My husband is also a writer and so we have to share which we’re good at. Luckily, he is used to my girliness and has long given up fighting I think he was just relieved the paper is duck-egg blue and not pink!  I’m looking forward to installing the fairy lights, adding some pretties and growing some roses out the front but first of all I have to cull all the paperwork we’ve collected over the years between us! And at the moment, I’m head down on my copyedit for Pan Macmillan and so things may be quiet on the blog for a couple of week to ensure I reach my deadline in time. All my editors from Pan Macmillan have been so brilliant and it’s a joy to work with them. Because I was nearly 60 000 words into my Currawong book it was a wrench to return to Poet’s Cottage again but I’m loving revisiting the characters and hopefully adding a bit more to the MS as this is one of the last chances I get before publication.
And I’ve been so busy lately doing loads of arty things. We saw the Pre-Raphaelite exhibition on drawing at the AGNSW which I loved. Both David and myself have a big soft for the PRB and it was a treat to see a few of Elizabeth Siddal’s works in this show.
I saw Jane Eyre at the cinema with my friend Artschool Annie. How brilliant was Mia Wasikowska as Jane? Divine casting and I loved this movie version so much I’m going to try to see it twice.
The Tasmanian-looking landscape really made me long for my home state, Thornfield, is my idea of the perfect house and unlike my pervious post on Underbelly Razor, this is a house that actually looks lived in and of the time.
 I also really enjoyed.Michael Fassbender as Rochester. A really sublime movie.  I think Jane Eyre is such an inspiration for her nobleness, stoic determination and strength. 
I hope my daughter loves this book as much as her parents as I think Jane’s a great role-model for young women in today’s climate with the sexualisation of females. Jane doesn’t use her looks to get ahead in life. And Rochester still prefers her to the prettier Blanche Ingram. It’s a tale of hope and as Spring is a season of hope it’s a perfect time to catch this movie.
I also saw Lakme at the Sydney Opera house with the amazing Emma Mathews. This opera was a treat with the divine Emma singing the Duet of the Flowers.
And David and I saw The Mousetrap at this incredible theatre, The Genesian in the heart of Sydney. We originally saw The Mousetrap in the West End in London which was a dream come true for me. But even though this was an amateur production, it was really enjoyable and well done.
This weekend, I have my agent, Selwa Anthony’s annual bash which is always a very grand and inspiring affair. During the day there are author and publishing  talks and at night a formal dinner and award ceremony.  We are looking forward to attending the Sassies and hopefully, I’ll have time to pop back and do a post about it when I reach my deadline.
Enjoy September and I hope that butterflies and pink birds are fluttering in your soul. Keep Inspired and Keep creative.
And because it’s Spring. Here’s a couple of images from the latest issue of Country Style.
 I always love their Spring Issues.  

A small slice of Underbelly Razor

Dear  Ms Australian Television,

It’s true as I’ve often told my daughter that if you don’t have anything good to say, then zip it. But I’m also a firm believer that a spade should be called a spade and I’ve had forty something years of trying to get along with you. We began our relationship brilliantly with Adventure Island and that was the peak I’m afraid as after that you went downhill.

True, every now and again, you manage to push out a wonderful show such as the recent Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet and I have fond memories of the first series of The Secret Life of Us, The Timeless Land, Bryan Brown’s Twisted Tales but for the most part, your shows are crap.

But I’m a trier and I really want to give Australian shows a go. I believe in Australian stories being told which is why I set my current two mystery novels in Australia. But here’s where we part company – as you’re not telling the stories, Ms Australian Television. Underbelly Razor was your latest offering and despite  misgivings you would run true to form, I tried to believe all the notices from the fawning critics about how this was the television event of the century as they did their usual favours for their mates. That’s part of your problem, isn’t it? The Australian television industry is so incestuous it would make Caligula’s family look like the Brady Bunch. Too many favours done to people not deserving. But I’m a fair-minded person and thought I’d give Underbelly Razor half an hour before I turned to DVD copies of Midsomer Murders.

The show began with all the usual QUIRKY touches. We are meant to be in the period covering 1927-1936 but there’s a Mental as Anything song playing. Some people might find that inspired but I find it irritating but I’m not thrown off totally as I’m used to you being QUIRKY. I’m also used to the usual cheap-jack sets. The jazz club scenes resemble American jazz clubs rather than Australian clubs and the dialogue is thin on the ground with the swift editing. It’s really a video clip rather than a narrative experience. This makes it impossible to have any empathy for any character because everyone is a cartoon. And because it’s all so QUIRKY there’s no QUALITY. That’s the trouble with you, Ms Australia TV, you have no subtlety or shades of grey. For some reason you always have to be the shrieking party-goer with your red cheap knickers over your head for no known reason except it’s QUIRKY. 

There’s no patina to this show. It’s all surface gloss.. A couple of body extras stand stiffly topless in a corner but you never have the feeling you’re in a brothel. Have I mentioned the casting? More has been written on this topic on Angela Savage’s blog post with Will the Real Nellic Cameron please take a bath HERE and  Jo Hilder’s post, How to make a TV series about two real middle-aged women without any real-middle-aged women  HERE but as I feared, it’s as deplorable as it usually is. True, both Chelsey Preston Crayford and Danielle Cormack, the lead-actresses  are very pretty and have a great time showing how tough they are with their swearing and sneering but neither convince. I would have loved to have seen those parts go to more experienced actresses who can actually pull off a cockney accent rather than simply look fetching in a cloche hat.

That’s another thing I despise against you Ms Australian TV. Your ageism. We have some brilliant actresses in this country who should be working and seen on screen more often. Pantina is important as well when it comes to people.  There wasn’t a lot of script to comment upon. There was a lot of comic book style graphics for all the really dumb Australians watching at home in case they didn’t get the jokes.You don’t have to patronise us so much, we do get it.

And another pet hate. The story wasn’t revealed to us but told to us through the narration.

Finally, the half-hour was up and we switched it off to pop on Series 7 of Midsomer Murders. A show that uses quirky characters, isn’t afraid to give parts to older women and has subtle shades of grey. It has pantina. soul and doesn’t patronise its audience. It can be silly and ridiculous but somehow you’ll always fall down the rabbit hole of the story which you just don’t do with you, MS Australian TV.

It’s such a shame. I love quirky, I really do. I’ve been called it myself several times and I often write quirky characters but you just are way too QUIRKY. You don’t always have to play the tart with your red knickers over your head. You can also be the wallflower. It’s safe to blend, to have quiet spaces, to be a reflection and a true mirror to society.

The stories are out there on the streets waiting for you but somehow you never seem to tell them. Let the ancestors of this great country whisper them to you. Listen to the earth as it whispers it secrets. Stop worrying so much over telling Australian stories and just let the stories come through.

I’d love to turn you off altogether and immerse myself in a world of Mad Men, Midsomer Murders and Downton Abbey but you see the sad fact remains I don’t want to give up on you, totally. I love my country and the people in it. I want  to hear Australian stories in all mediums but I can’t take what you’ve become Ms Australian TV.  And the talent is out there. It’s tangible in the city streets, pulsating and calling.

My daughter is attending classes at NIDA on the advice of her health therapist and every week I saturate myself in the vibe of hope of that building. But what do these talented young people have to go to when they leave the dream factory and enter your lacklustre embrace you old, tart?

The actors are there. the script-writers are waiting and the glorious stories are everywhere you look. So why aren’t you telling them and why can’t you tell them well?

What do you think? Am I too harsh on the Australian Television Industry? What irks you the most about it? Anyone out there apart from critics who saw merit in this show that I missed totally? And, if you’re not Australian, what’s your take on the shows from your country? I’m interested

all images via here.


Good News Monday

Good news for the start of the week. 

First, and most important, it was wonderful to read in the weekend papers that the killer of Sunshine Coast schoolboy Daniel Morcombe was finally apprehended. Although this is not a happy ending obviously for his grieving family and friends, at least they have the consolation that justice will now be served. I followed this case along with many around Australia with interest and feel great pride in both the investigating officers, the public who supported the search and most of all – the amazing family who kept the search for Daniel going. A darling, beautiful boy – rest in peace, Daniel.

I’ve finally reached the 50,000 word mark on my Currawong book and so I can treat myself again. Hurray! Yes, it’s a really rough first draft but it’s there for me to work with. I also have a spot of good news from my agent which I shall post here as soon as I get the go-ahead.

For those who were curious about what I treated myself with last time I reached the 25000 word mark, this is it – a lovely book by Fleur Wood which combines cooking with some vintage-inspired images of super-cool people enjoying their food in style. It’s a lovely book to dip into and enjoy the images. This 50 000 mark, I shall have to treat myself with shoes.

 Keep Inspired and Creative. Thank you for visiting me. xx   



The first time David and I ever visited her together, we were on an incredible high to be IN THE STREETS OF LONDON.

This was the London we had been reared on –  Thames television shows and books set in the UK. I was overjoyed to see ‘real English people’ on very quiet trains – slightly frosty, and the Londoners didn’t thaw as quickly to the Australian accent as the French did, but I loved them none-the-less. 

London to me will always be the centre of all that’s fab, grand, regal, pompous and boho-cool.

It’s Carnaby Street, red double-deckers, Noddy, the West End, the East End, Brick Lane, The Mousetrap, Hamleys, Harrods, Cath Kidston, Jack the Ripper, Boots, the Tate, the National Gallery, the Queen, the Tower of London, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Highgate Cemetery, Charing Cross Road, Charles Dickens, smoky, overcrowded ancient pubs and the grey light that stretches over the smoggy massive capital like some eternal mist.

I’ve always felt at home in her gritty, endless streets. The history of the city makes me feel alive when we’ve visited.    

I’ve felt really sad looking at the recent riots in this great capital. This week has been a reminder of what is always lurking under the veneer of even one of the most civilised cities on earth. London is all the above from my list and many, many more things. What it’s not is the madness we’ve seen all week on the news with the mob and their riots.

London is a great, grand old lady.

She deserves better but she’ll survive this recent outrage on her as she’s survived everything else that’s happened in that grey, glorious and resilient capital

all images via here


Some days and weeks are crap, let’s face it. This week I’ve ripped a muscle in my left shoulder from sitting with poor posture on my bed using the computer so I’m in constant pain. Not a good trick to use the computer in such a position and now I’m paying for it. 

My six-year-old daughter has decided it’s a good trick to wake us between 3 and 4 am, singing out for us to come and get her from her bedroom so she can sleep with us. I don’t think I’ve had a full night’s sleep since she’s been born.

The washing machine has broken. We have dental work to be done, medical appointments and I can’t keep track of all the things to do at my daughter’s school.

This morning I dropped a can of hairspray onto my antique china wash jug-set and smashed my pretty set in pieces. Lots of tears and the cranky pants went on.

Distracting myself from writing, I came across the following quote from the lovely Liz Earle.

‘Working with people in developing countries is a very humbling experience. You go into the heart of communities where they live with very little, where water coming out of a tap is a cause for celebration, yet they are unfailingly cheerful and completely free of all the hang-ups we seem to have enveloped ourselves with over here,’ she says.

I’ve long been a fan of her ethos when it comes to skincare and can’t recommend her cleanse and polish cleanser enough, but her quote about the attitude of people in developing countries gave me food for thought. I’ve observed the same thing in my travels through India and the Philippines, the innate joy of people there. I particularly like this photo of Liz Earle with her daughter above because I am also very fond of chickens and would love to one day have two chickens as pets. You can read more about Liz here. 

Wishing you a lovely week, wherever you are in the world, and the strength to deal with all those billions of frustrations in life to keep you chirpy and creative. And that you truly appreciate the water from your tap. 

liz and lily earle and chickens source 


Comfort Television

With all the sad news in the media this week, it’s been good to have some quality ‘comfort television’ to retreat to.

In Australia, we’ve just had the new series of Midsomer Murders featuring Neil Dudgeon as cousin Barnaby. I watched the first show, Death In The Slow Lane, with some trepidation, not knowing if I’d like the character. So far, I have to say he is very good and appealing and in particular I love the scenes with his dog Sykes.

Here’s some more information on the little dog here.

David said, ‘oh the dog’s just the smoother for people like you who can’t bear to see Tom leave.’  Probably true but it worked! I also liked the schoolgirl characters (the scholarship girls) who were fun. The script was very confused and a bit muddling and I didn’t really get to understand why the murderer killed certain people but logic always has to be left behind when viewing Midsomer.

The other show I’m really enjoying is on ABC and is a British show called Marshlands.

This eerie tale with three different time periods (1960s, 80s and the present) woven together to show how a house absorbs the energy of its inhabitants in a lovely big house in Yorkshire, is my cup of tea, totally. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens as the story unfolds. Highly recommended for those who love past/present, mysteries and a good supernatural thriller. It also has a link to Midsomer Murders with the casting of Daniel Casey (Sergeant Troy) who plays Scott Maynard. What is your idea of comfort television? Leave me a note, I’d love to know. 

 Enjoy your weekend. I’m going to celebrate the Spring with my Spiritual Women’s group, attend a lingerie party (my first) and hope to do some more work in my garden writing shed.

And here’s a photo of Johnny Depp just because it’s Friday. xx

johnny depp image source

marshlands image source

midsomer murders image source

sykes image source




I was lucky enough to travel to Sweden and David has been to Norway and Sweden twice. I found it the most fairytale country with beautiful, kind, radiant people. It’s overwhelmingly sad to contemplate that one narcissistic individual has the power to destroy so many innocents. I don’t want to name him and I wish the media wouldn’t print his photograph and give this deluded man the attention he craves. I would far prefer Sunday papers had focused attention on the beautiful faces that have been tragically lost too early to our earth because of one individual’s weakness.

Shine on Norway. All love and prayers to you. 

flag image source


La Boheme on a Sydney rainy night

This is where I spent last rainy night. If you’re in  Sydney, don’t miss this show! The part where the set opens up to reveal a 1930’s Berlin Cabaret Hall was one of the best things I’ve seen at the Opera House. Stilt-walkers, children shouting for toys, half-naked prostitutes, glittering spangled costumes. It was all so decadent, wonderful, sleazy and beautiful. Very Sydney as well as being set in 1930’s Berlin. And the two lead singers, Takesha Mieshe Kizart as Mimi and Ji-Min Park as Rodolfo sang like angels.

Rainbows and Snow

Just back from a rushed trip to Tasmania to see my family.
Hobart as magical as always. Snow capped Mount Wellington and rainbows shimmered over the city for days.
I did nothing except watch Daisy’s excitement to be with her young cousin as she explored the delights of a ‘real’ backyard with a (gasp) trampoline.
At night ferocious winds gusted over my sister’s house – the trampoline was blown over the neighbour’s fence with the winds recently.
I knitted and read yet another Miss Marple.
Since our return we have been relaxing on our holiday break. We are a family who enjoy nothing better than to potter, sleep in, an excursion to a cafe, read and play at home. My daughter found this mermaid on the beach at Manly.
But Hobart , city of rainbows and snow. It is always a wrench to leave her. 

Cosy Winter Reading


How I love books and winter. A perfect combination. I adore going to bed early these days reading and re-reading some of my winter favourite cosy reads. Here’s a few below that I’ve read recently. 

Ransom and We Need To Talk About Kevin were both my Magic Hat bookclub choices. I highly recommend them. Ransom is poetic, powerful and a clever retelling of the Greek myth of the Iliad. Not that I’ve read the Illiad, I confess, but at least I’ve now read Ransom. 

We Need To Talk About Kevin is gripping, intense and has a killer of a twist. It provoked a wonderful bookclub discussion for our glam hatters. 

I’ve also been re-reading some old Agatha Christies, starting with the Miss Marples as the shows are beginning to take over a bit in my head so I needed to go back to the source. J’adore Miss Marple! My favourite heroine of all time. I’ve re-read A Murder At The Vicarage and The Body In The Library. Both wonderful reads and terrific to see an early Miss Marple forming.   

And of course, the witty and sly Love In A Cold Climate is perfect bedtime fodder. 

Cathy Kelly’s Once In A Lifetime is another book as cosy as a hot-water bottle and cocoa.  

Another book I’ve loved reading to Daisy is this one from Enid Blyton. Gorgeous illustrations and timeless stories we can enjoy together.  

I hope you enjoy seeing my bedtime books for winter. What books have you been enjoying or can recommend to me? 

Happy snug reading over the weekend. xx       

 johnny depp reading image source