

Being a visual person, I love
Pinterest for collecting images to help me when I’m working on a book. The
Scorpionic side of me also relishes the fact you can have secret boards as well.

Used for Shalimar character inspiration

Used for Shalimar character inspiration

With Currawong Manor nearly due to hit the shelves, I thought I’d share a few of
my inspiration images for Currawong Manor. They’re not meant to be literal, but
they help me with the palette of the work.


The Memory Birds

The Memory Birds


Image used for Elizabeth inspiration

Image used for Elizabeth inspiration








Ghost on a swing

Ghost on a swing









I’ll unlock my Currawong
Manor board on Pinterest when the book has been out for awhile, but for now
here’s a bit of a sneak preview. I also use my own personal photographs a lot
from the location I’m working with and I’ll share some of those very


Albert Tucker with son Sweeney

Albert Tucker with son Sweeney






'Psycho' Albert Tucker illustration

‘Psycho’ Albert Tucker illustration

Bird Man

Bird Man









Still from Don't Look Now

Still from Don’t Look Now

From Don't Look Now by Daphne Du Maurier

From Don’t Look Now by Daphne Du Maurier












Stay tuned for an updated website and a giveaway to celebrate Currawong Manor’s publication.  Love and Light,

2 Responses

  1. Penny May 28, 2014 / 12:36 am

    I agree completely …images can be such a wonderful source of inspiration for writing and I have used this technique for a few years now. I look forward to reading your next book …warm wishes …Penny

    • josephinetalepeddler June 3, 2014 / 10:27 am

      Dear Penny, thanks so much for your warm wishes for Currawong Manor. Your support is appreciated. When I get time I shall do a post on my notebooks which are filled with visual imagery. xx

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