June Giveaway for Currawong Manor

Dear Friends,
To celebrate  Currawong Manor’s release and also my new website (thanks to Debra at Soulscape for creating a website at short notice for the book) I’m having a Giveaway.
Drum Roll…
In the Tale Peddler June Giveaway is:
a signed copy of Currawong Manor AND also Poet’s Cottage
Poet's cottage
Currawong Manor
The Doreen Virtue Angel Card deck that I use daily for guidance and which has never let me down
my personal favourite red lipstick, a full-size MAC Russian Red
All you have to do to be the winner of this giveaway valued at $120. 93 is the following:
comment or like this post here or on my twitter feed or comment on my online journal.
Super-easy. Extra chances are given if you
SHARE this giveaway with your social media friends and let me know you shared the post
you LIKE my Author Page on Facebook OR you already are on my Author Facebook Page
or  you sign up to my news letter on my website.
I shall draw the winner at the end of June.
And this competition is also open to overseas folk, so good luck to all.

39 Responses

  1. Leonora June 6, 2014 / 7:31 am

    What a wonderful offer! Thanks so much. Have shared the link on my FB page xxx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 7:47 am

      Dear Leonora,
      Thanks so much. You are going into my hat twice. Good luck! xx

  2. Jacquie June 6, 2014 / 7:40 am

    So super generous! Congratulations on the new book. You are a marvel. x

    I’m a facebook liker and will sign up for the newsletter!

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 7:48 am

      Thanks dear Jacquie, I don’t often have giveaways, so I try to make them fun. You’re going in the hat twice as well. Much Love and blessings. xx

  3. Tara OBrien June 6, 2014 / 7:53 am

    Can’t wait to read Currawong Manor, loved Poet’s Cottage!!
    Facebook liker 🙂

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 7:56 am

      Thanks Tara for the kind words on Poet’s Cottage. So appreciated. You’re going into my hat twice and best of luck. Hope you enjoy Currawong Manor. xx

  4. Sandi Wallace June 6, 2014 / 7:56 am

    Can’t wait to read Currawong Manor, Josephine and what a lovely giveaway pack. Wishing you every success with this book and many more. Will share on Facebook. Sandi x

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 8:41 am

      Dear Sandi, thanks for your lovely words and support. So valued. I love the giveaway pack myself. I wouldn’t want to give something to my readers that I wouldn’t cherish myself. Take care and best wishes for the giveaway. xx

  5. Isabelle Woollard June 6, 2014 / 8:12 am

    What a wonderful and exciting giveaway Josephine!!! Poet’s Cottage was such a good story that I can’t wait to read Currawong Manor. The cover is beautiful yet again. It just makes you want to pick it up. I’m sure it is going to be a big success!
    Isabelle xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 8:44 am

      Dear Isabelle, so delighted to see you enter. I’m crossing my fingers my books eventually make it to the UK, but you’re going into the hat twice and so wishing you luck. Your support and genuine enthusiasm for my books over the years have meant so much to me. And I totally agree about the covers. Pan Macmillan Australia have really given me dream covers and I’m forever grateful. Take Care dear Isabelle and I must sit and write a proper letter to you soon. xx

  6. Katharine June 6, 2014 / 8:12 am

    Thank you for such a great giveaway opportunity! I’m just on uni holidays after grueling year and would love to unwind by reading your books. Facebook liker and will sign up for your website newsletter xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 8:46 am

      Hi Katharine, I’m putting you into the hat twice and will keep my fingers crossed for you. Thanks so much for your support and I hope you enjoy your holidays. xx

  7. Rose Mercer June 6, 2014 / 8:25 am

    What a lovely offer; I hope I’m lucky 😀 I’ll share your FB info with other reading friends. Cheers….R 🙂

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 8:48 am

      Hello Rose, thanks so much for playing. I hope you’re lucky as well and thank you for sharing the Currawong Manor love. I’m putting you into the hat twice. Take Care and keep reading. xx

      • Rose Mercer June 7, 2014 / 1:46 pm

        You know I will, sweet woman. Loved all your SinC short stories so the novels can only be even better 🙂

    • josephinetalepeddler June 8, 2014 / 12:25 am

      Oh thank you Rose for the kind words on my short stories for Sisters In Crime. That means a lot. I’ve always enjoyed the short story form and now that I’m a judge I miss the challenge of composing those pieces. Your Sister in Crime, J xx

  8. Jill Blyth June 6, 2014 / 8:30 am

    Love your books Josephine, have read them all. I can’t wait to get “Currawong Manor”. Well done and congratulations from the little town of Oatlands.

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 8:51 am

      Hello Dear Jill, GIVE MY LOVE TO OATLANDS!! It must be getting cold down there now. I’m always homesick. Thanks so much for entering and I’m putting you into the hat twice. Thanks also for reading all my books as well. I’m so delighted to hear from an Oatlands lass! Take Care and blow a kiss from me down High Street. You know you do live in the most beautiful town in Australia? Big love. xx

  9. Lisa Howard June 6, 2014 / 9:16 am

    What a lovely idea. Have used word of mouth to spread the news of Currawong Manor – 14 purchases so far. Loved reading Currawong Manor, was very sad to turn the last page. Whens that next one due?
    Lisa xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 9:24 am

      Dear Lisa, you are beyond awesome! If I ever make a lot of money, would you like to come and work for me as my marketing assistant? Thank you so much for those 14 purchases from your word of mouth. I’m so delighted you enjoyed Currawong as I know how much you loved reading Poet’s Cottage with the Tasmanian setting. However, the one I’m currently working on is SET IN TASMANIA again! And guess what – it’s coming together very fast and I love it to bits and hopefully it will get picked up so watch this space. Big hug and fist-pump to you and thank you so much for not only enjoying my work, but spreading the word for me as much as you do. Your support elevates me and means the world. Keep sending the good vibes out there. Take care and I’m always so over the moon to hear somebody say they felt sad to turn the last page. That’s exactly the way a good tale should end. You’ve made my Friday evening. xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 9:25 am

      Forgot to add that you’re in the hat twice of course. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. xx

  10. Stephanie O'Connor June 6, 2014 / 10:44 am

    How generous are you….I love the lipstick! I am so proud to share the same name (my maiden of course) and had the privilege of knowing both your Mother and your dear Father… I would treasure the signed copies and pass my bought ones to other friends…. much love…xxx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 10:54 am

      Dear Stephanie, it’s a beautiful lipstick and stays on well and is a fabulous true blue red. It does suit a lot of different complexions (maybe I should work for MAC!) Thank you for the kind words about Mum and Dad. You are going into my hat for double chances and all blessings and love. Thanks for all the support over the years. Very appreciated. xx

  11. Karyn Bell June 6, 2014 / 10:49 am

    After reading Poet’s Cottage with my Bookclub, I can’t wait to read Currawong Manor. Shared on Facebook. Tassie girl here too (Wynyard). The next book sounds awesome too!

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 10:59 am

      Hi Karyn, So good to hear from a North-Western Tasmanian reader! Are you with the Time Out bookclub who did the tour of Stanley when they were reading the book? I’ve just managed to find time to add the photos Nicole took for me to my Poet’s Cottage section. I’m so behind with all of that material on my website! Thanks so much for reading Poet’s Cottage with your bookclub and I hope you also enjoy Currawong Manor. I’m returning to Tasmania with the book I’m working on at the moment you may be interested to hear. I’m putting you into my hat twice for double chances and wishing you good luck and happy reading. Lovely to connect with you. xx

  12. Belinda Murrell June 6, 2014 / 11:28 am

    Hurray Josephine! A huge congratulations. Of course I’d adore to win this divine Currawong Manor pack. By the way, I love the new cover. Enjoy the excitement of a beautiful new book being launched. 🙂 xxx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 6, 2014 / 12:21 pm

      Dear Belinda, so great to see you here and thanks so much for the good wishes. I’m so smitten with the cover and have been really fortunate to have had Nada Backovic design both covers as she’s so talented. I’m popping you into my hat twice and good luck! Happy writing and I hope you get some work done over the weekend. xx

  13. Jessica June 7, 2014 / 5:35 am

    Congratulations, Josephine!
    I am sure Currawong Manor will replicate (If not surpass) the success of Poets Cottage. I’ve added Currawong Manor to our book clubs reading list and I am much anticipating devouring the pages.
    Just an observation – that M.A.C lipstick looks a similar shade to the one used on the Poets Cottage cover, was that intentional?

    • josephinetalepeddler June 7, 2014 / 5:54 am

      Hello Jessica, thank you so much for your good wishes and for adding Currawong Manor to your book clubs reading list. Your support is so very valued. I only recently added some book club questions for Poet’s Cottage to the Poet’s Cottage section of this site. You’ve reminded me to work on some book club questions for Currawong Manor. It wasn’t intentional with the Poet’s Cottage cover, but I did realise when I saw the giveaway how it all matched so beautifully. I will say that my book club thought it might have been me on the cover of Poet’s Cottage with the similar lipstick! You are in my Magic Hat for a double chance and I wish you good fortune. Thanks again for the support and I hope you enjoy my world of Currawong Manor. xx

  14. Belinda Kellett June 7, 2014 / 9:50 am

    You are such a beautiful talent and like you I love red lippie. xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 7, 2014 / 10:15 am

      Oh thank you Belinda you gorgeous woman. I know that red lipstick would look divine on you. You’re going into the magic hat for a double chance. Good luck! Give my love to Hobart and I hope the family is well. Thanks for playing and supporting my books. xx

  15. Lynn Priestley June 7, 2014 / 1:27 pm

    I love the cover, and I’m sure what lies between the covers is beautiful. Looking forward to reading it. Congratulations! xo

    • josephinetalepeddler June 8, 2014 / 12:19 am

      Hello dear Lynn, I’m so smitten with my covers as well. Nada Backovic and Pan Macmillan Australia have really given me my dream covers with these books. Thanks so much for your good wishes and for entering. You’re in my Magic Hat and good luck! xx

    • josephinetalepeddler June 8, 2014 / 10:25 am

      Dear Jessica, thanks so much for sharing the Currawong Manor love. You’re in my magic hat for a double chance. Good luck and thank you for your support! I shall draw a winner at the end of June and shall contact you if you’re the one. Warmest Wishes, Josephine xx

  16. Terri June 9, 2014 / 10:35 am

    Hi Josephine, congratulations on your new book! Love this giveaway and your work and will do what I can to spread the fab word that your new book is out plus read it with great pleasure xo

    • josephinetalepeddler June 9, 2014 / 10:59 am

      Dear Terri, so good to see you here as well. Thanks for the good wishes and your support. It means so much. I’ve placed you into my Magic Hat and shall contact you if you’re drawn out. Hope you enjoy the book and keep creative. All blessings. xx

  17. pinry June 12, 2014 / 8:27 am

    Hi Lovely, I’ve been searching for your email address without success! Would you mind emailing me so I can reply. Jxx

  18. Dawn Bell May 3, 2022 / 3:48 pm

    Hi ,

    I really love these book very interesting indeed!

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