Ruth Rendell in 1978. Image credit: Kenneth Saunders

Baroness Rendell of Babergh

Ruth Rendell in 1978. Image credit: Kenneth Saunders
Baroness Rendell of Babergh
Agatha Christie Life Magazine 1940
Crooked House signed copy image via Pinterest
Recently I did a segment on Blue Mountains radio for their Crime show. I shall post a link to it when the podcast becomes available. I browsed through some of my Currawong Manor journals to prepare and was reminded how much I love my working notebooks.
Jennifer playing Shalimar on L and Daisy playing Dolly on R
Nicole in action
Norman Lindsay at work
Creepy dolls and selfies
Norman Lindsay with seahorse statue
Nicole and ‘Ginger’ with the iconic Magic Puddings
Rose and Norman Lindsay
Satyr and Sphinx guarding the bush swimming pool entrance
image via @Breathhigh twitter
Image credit Murdo MacLeod for Guardian
image of Edinburgh Castle via Ian Rankin’s website
Image of West Bow via website Undiscovered Scotland
Image from Ian Rankin’s Evil Thoughts via YouTube
Ian interviews Juliet Hulme/Anne Perry
Image of Ian Rankin via Daily Mail Jan 2017
The Oxford Bar Edinburgh
Image via M.R Twitter of Michael Robotham & Ian Rankin
Gillian Flynn on right with Charlize Theron.
The Pinot Noir Study Room at Stoneleigh 50
It is the school holidays. I’m the first awake as my family were all up late last night. My eleven-year-old girl read The Cursed Child in bed with a torch till past midnight. She has re-read this book over ten times since we bought it for her. J.K Rowling’s world has meant to much to her over the years, just as Enid Blyton formed my childhood joy and provided solace in tough times.
Outside, the weather is bleak and a wind blows hard, making the trees shake around the house. We are hoping for snow to fall in the Blue Mountains, despite the fact we are now in October. Snowfalls are still possible in early Spring when you live above the clouds.
It was vastly different weather conditions in January, 2014, when I sat by the river in Richmond, Tasmania, on a family holiday watching the golden sunlight and the shadows dapple and form patterns on the water.
As with several of my books, an image came to me as swans glided past. I was luxuriating in the peace of the convict-built bridge and village – a place so seemingly tranquil, but which contained shadows.
The scene that came to me was of a young man sitting by the river writing a note, confessing to a crime he believes he is guilty of. Two girls rowing a boat on the water sing ‘Buttons and Bows’ and suddenly the serenity of the sleepy Tasmanian hamlet is shattered when one of the girl’s oars snags on a floating body.
This was the beginning of The Secret Echoes, which I just finished this week. From the very start, I knew it would contain certain elements: the golden Tasmanian sunshine and mellow light, a bridge that harboured secrets, a supposed ghost that haunted the bridge, letters, a poison-pen writer, the death of the town’s most popular golden girl. Swans, secrets and shadows. I couldn’t wait to start writing to discover who the body was in the river and whether the boy confessing to the crimes was as guilty as he believed. The working title of the book was Sweetwater.
As the book progressed those elements remained but it took an unexpected journey. I always knew I wanted to set it in the 1950s, but a 1920s thread also felt strong and a few months into writing, a fairly minor character in the 1880s became increasingly insistent to be featured more. This put the book back about six months, as I had to put it aside to research 1800s Australia before I felt confident about being able to portray this headstrong character and her life and times.
My journal entry for August, 2014 records I had just begun the first draft.
I could not have conceived at that time how dramatically different my life would be from that day I began the opening scene. My family faced several major challenges: we moved house from the city to the country. In our city life we had to deal with bullying developers, bullying children (and their even worse bullying mothers) and a health diagnosis for one member of our family that was shattering.
But throughout the chaos, I kept returning to the book and although it took me a few months longer than planned, I was delighted to finish the final segment, Wattle Dreaming, this week of The Secret Echoes.
I hope it makes it way with confident strong legs out into the world and finds a readership. With the New Moon (the Black Moon) just having passed us, I made wishes and blessings for its journey. And I’m excited to begin the next book, which has been calling impatiently to me for years.
Love and Light,
From above the clouds,