Out with the Old

I’m filled with celebratory winter cheer this weekend in Sydney.

Yesterday at 4.15 pm I pressed the SEND button and watched my Currawong Manor edit disappear to my patient editor.
David returned from his week of swimming under a blue and mysteriously sparkling world with the Minke whales.
My short story SHADOWS which won last year’s Scarlet Stiletto Award for Sisters in Crime is in an anthology for Melbourne Books with other award-winning stories. I’m very honoured to be included amongst such prestigious company. You can read the details of the anthology HERE.
The recent interview I did with Tim Martain for the Hobart Mercury Saturday Magazine came out last week. I was very chuffed to make the cover page with my Agatha Christie inspired shot. The spread featured Poppy Gee and Livia Day who I recently appeared in Melbourne with for a Sisters in Crime panel. I shall put the jpegs up when I get a chance to scan them.

Josephine Pennicott Life of Crime

Josephine Pennicott Life of Crime

And my favourite, Johnny Depp also made the cover of Rolling Stone this week looking a whole lot cooler than yours truly.

The Super Moon brought some unexpected elements to my life in the form of releasing aspects of my life that no longer served my highest good.

Lest we forget

Lest we forget

I am off to my mountains hideaway to spend some time reading, relaxing, writing in a notebook for my current novel, and watching birds in mountain winter skies. I hope it is misty and we are longing for snow.
Enjoy the waning moon. xx

Super Moon brings Super Tidings

big book

Popping in quickly with my edit nearly due for Currawong Manor to show you the beautiful new cover Ullstein in Germany have designed for Dornentochter (Poet’s Cottage). Gorgeous, isn’t it? I’ve been incredibly blessed with three editions of Dornentochter. They all reveal a different dimension to the book and I love them all. I’m very grateful to all who have worked on the books and to everyone in Germany who has purchased a copy of my Tasmanian mystery.

I was overjoyed to see this in my email box – Dornentochter on the Spiegel list for Bestsellers. It doesn’t seem real to see my name so close to the other acclaimed authors! My reality is – racing towards this deadline, school-drop offs, a sick daughter, juggling activities etc.

Of course, I’m delighted because it shows people love to read books set in Australia by Australian authors.

The recent panel I did with Sisters in Crime in Melbourne attracted publicity in both papers in Tasmania – the Launceston Examiner and also the Hobart Mercury, which is featuring Poppy Gee, Livia Day and moi in this Saturday’s arts colour supplement. So happy to be in that supplement as I’ve read it for years. My mother collects them all for me and when I go home, I inevitably bring a mass of clippings back to Sydney. I love reading about people in the arts scene down there or mainlanders doing sea and tree-changes in Tasmania. Once I’m through the edit, I’ll try to organise jpegs of the interviews for this blog.

Thank you to all my gracious Facebook friends who have already commented about the Spiegel Bestseller list and also a gentle reminder about my giveaway – details below. I shall draw a lucky winner from my Magic Hat when I finish my deadline.

I hope the recent Super Moon brought to you all you truly need and desire from your life. My partner, David Levell is going diving with whales this week. I shall miss him very much. He is always such a great support and wonderful to bounce ideas around for different characters and their motivations. It is wonderful to live with another writer because they understand when you are abstracted or ‘off with the fairies.’
Thank you for visiting me. Back to my edit. xx

Something Rotten in the Apple Isle Giveaway!

Women's Crime isn't always cozy - a fab Amanda Wrangles card

Women’s Crime isn’t always cozy – a fab Amanda Wrangles card


I have been quiet on the blog as I’m on deadline for my latest edit of Currawong Manor but wanted to pop in quickly and announce a giveaway on Tale Peddler.

As I’m so busy at the moment this giveaway will run for a month but I will remind folks weekly and it also gives you more chances to win.


I’ve just returned from Melbourne where I was a guest for Sisters in Crime along with fellow Tasmanian writers Poppy Gee and Livia Day for a panel called Something Rotten in the Apple Isle. Lindy Cameron chaired the panel.

This was a fun night and it was so great to finally meet Poppy and Livia and to be reunited with the Sisters in Crime of Melbourne.

Sisters in Crime, Lindy Cameron, Carmel Shute and Josephine Pennicott

Sisters in Crime, Lindy Cameron, Carmel Shute and Josephine Pennicott

For the evening I read Poppy and Livia’s books and they are both excellent although different in style and setting. All three books are set in Tasmania which is what inspired our panel . Livia’s A Trifle Dead is set in urban and hip Hobart and is a really funny and gripping read. And Poppy’s book is set on the stunningly beautiful East Coast of Tasmania and describes the ripple effect amongst a small community when the body of a dead girl is washed ashore.

Josephine Pennicott with Amanda Wrangles and Leigh Redhead

Josephine Pennicott with Amanda Wrangles and Leigh Redhead

We discussed Tasmania as Muse, our own childhoods in Tasmania, some well-known murder cases in Tasmania and how our books were inspired by the landscape. We also touched on motherhood and writing and how difficult it can be to produce work when you also want to be there for your children. Thank you to the audience who braved a chill winter’s evening to hear us speak and also to Sisters in Crime for inviting me to be part of the event. I have shared a few photographs taken at the night on my Instagram. There are two Sisters in Crime in particular the beautiful Leigh Redhead and Amanda Wrangles who always seem to bring out my inner trout pout. Amanda Wrangles is the talented artist behind the beautiful cards in the photo. They are not included in the giveaway but I couldn’t resist showing them off.


But – back to the giveaway. I’m sure you have guessed it by now…

One person will win a signed copy of our three books and so a complete set of Something Rotten in the Apple Isle books. This competition is open world wide and so if you’re overseas and have been longing for a print version of one of our books you now have a chance to win ALL THREE. It makes a unique and lovely gift for the crime and mystery reader in your life.

And it’s super easy to enter! To be eligible to win – either do one of the following:

leave a comment below this post to let me know you would like to be placed in my Magic Sorting Hat


leave a comment on my personal or Author Facebook page


leave a comment on my Twitter message regarding the giveaway


leave a comment on my Good Reads giveaway. (As soon as I figure out how to work a Good Reads giveaway.)

AND if you SHARE the competition on your social networking sites and let me know you have shared, you get an extra chance!

AND every week when I remind if you SHARE AGAIN you get an extra chance in my Magic Sorting Hat.

I have loads of things I want to blog about including my impressions of the Sydney Writers’ Festival but for now back to the edit.

Thank you for visiting me,

Love Josephine xx


The Autumn sunshine in Sydney has been glorious but I was in the writing shed watching the dappled mellow light in my backyard. I’m happy to say Currawong Manor has now been cut from a massive 170 000 to a much trimmer word length. The process wasn’t as horrendous as I had feared; I could feel sparks begin to fly in the manuscript as I worked. I lost several characters but I already know they will re-appear in later books. Two of them were most insistent they had to go together, which was creepy because of who those characters are – but I can’t say too much about them without creating spoilers.

The hardest part was only having a month for the edit with my daughter home on school holidays for half that time. Thankfully, I had wonderful friends who took my daughter to the cinema, on excursions, and – being a Unique Enfant (only child) – she enjoys holiday care at her school.

Somehow it all came together and I’m very happy with the end result. Fingers crossed my agent and publishers will be too.

On completion I felt as if a brass band should be playing and an auditorium of people screaming their praises to a soundtrack of Gladiator. In reality I had the school-run, lunches and everyday life to contend with. I did steal one precious day from the edit to take Daisy to the mountains so we could enjoy the Autumn light together.


I’ve been reading some fab books lately. Katherine Howell’s Silent Fear, Kate Forsyth’s Bitter Greens, Thea Astley’s An Item on the Late News, Jo Wood’s autobiography of her life with the Rolling Stones and the terrifying Poppet by Mo Hayder. When I get a chance, I shall write some reviews for them and post here. I am longing to read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and UK’s Louise Millar’s psychological suspense books. I’ve also just started Secrets of the Tides by Hannah Richell which I’m loving. A great read for cosy Autumn afternoons.


My book club, The Magic Hat read Thea Astley’s An Item from the Late News in our last meeting. I have to admit I had never read any of Thea Astley’s books before and I was surprised by what a page-turner and how darkly powerful this literary novel is. My full review is on Good Reads if you are a member.


This is a photo from my friend Mary’s wonderful Facebook page, My Love Affair With Newtown. It’s a new coffee shop opening down the south end of King Street near the Union Hotel. It looks like a little dolls’ house and with the small space, chandelier and books, it reminds me of my own lounge-room in Little Brick. I feel tempted to paint my lounge hot pink. I think that’s going to be my winter project. Our lounge room is very small like this, crammed with books and a chandelier. Hot pink might make it more cosy than the Antique White it is now.

We were fortunate to see John Bell’s wonderful Henry 4 at the Opera House recently. I just loved it as the words are brought to beautifully to life by the excellent actors. It was such a fab interpretation with more hip to it than a boxed set of Mad Men. From the moment it began with electric guitars being thrashed as the stage set was trashed, it was a wild, eloquent ride though age-old issues regarding power, self-responsibility and family. Issues as relevant today as when Shakespeare wrote it. Here’s a brief promo clip from YouTube where you can get a sense of the majestic power of the words. A most inspiring night of theatre. If you feel blocked with your writing; this two-minute clip will help you get your groove back.

If you are on my Facebook you will have seen I was deeply saddened by the news story that broke in Sydney this week when Madeleine Milne, a 13-year-old schoolgirl who loved drawing dragons, being creative and helping others became the youngest ever recorded suicide in NSW due to a bullying incident at her school. Her grieving father went public with the story in an appeal to everyone – parents and schools – to communicate more and take the time to listen to your children. The pressures on our young people are enormous these days. When I was growing up there was always bullying but somehow we had the resilience to endure it. This was however before the media began to promote the mean-girl attitudes that are so prominent today. We live in a society that cushions children so much from all hardships (and even not-so-hardships – I was shocked to discover everyone now gets a prize in pass-the-parcel!) We leave young children on technology that contains messages and images their undeveloped brains may not be able to compute. I don’t have any answers as I’m only on my L-plates with parenting, but I feel we are letting our young people down terribly when children this young are taking their own lives unable to see any light in winter’s dark embrace. And Madeleine is far from the only child who has suicided over bullying. A quick Google search will show you other horror stories.


If you do have children – please take on board this plea from Madeleine’s father:

“We all let our busy lives get in the way. The school was busy and didn’t get back to us, we were busy. I’d just say make the time.”

Fight back against the sexualisation of children and the mean culture in the media. Ensure your school has a zero tolerance to bullying and cliques. Help your child develop resilience rather than cushioning them against the inevitable crap and hard times of life. This little girl’s story touched so many people as it could have been any one of us with children. As one of my Facebook friends, Dianne eloquently said:

‘13 is such a violable age. They are full of promise and act tough, but they are fragile like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon. Handle them with care.’

Enjoy your week. As I wait for the next stage of the edit to return, I’m planning and researching my next book and also writing my Young Adult book that I’ve been having fun with for years in-between my bigger books.

And a gentle reminder that I shall be appearing in Melbourne in June 14 along with Livia Day and Poppy Gee for Sisters in Crime on a panel called Something Rotten in the Apple Isle. You can find more details of the event HERE.

And a lovely photo of Johnny to end with. This one is via the Johnny C. Depp Facebook page

Thank you for visiting me.

Love Josephine xx

Dornen Tochter Paperback

Wishing you all a Happy Easter Season. I will be in my garden writing shed for most of it as I have a tight deadline to meet with Currawong Manor.

But before I turn off my computer I wanted to share with you the beautifully dark and dramatic paperback version of Dornen Tochter (Poet’s Cottage) in Germany. I love it so much. I’ve been most fortunate with all my covers because I couldn’t be more thrilled with all of them.

I plan on cutting back my blogging to once a month unless really huge news happens or for my book reviews as I really need to submerge myself fully into the world of my books.
So roughly around the time of the full moon I shall be updating.
Thank you for visiting me.

Stopping Time

This is a review for The Australian Women Writers Challenge which you can read more about HERE. In the coming year I plan to review a host of female Australian writers, so watch this space. I always buy books from Australian writers in the popular fiction genre and they tend to form a tower in my room. It’s difficult to find time to read them with all the research reading required for my own books, not to mention my Magic Hat Bookclub, so The Australian Women Writers Challenge is an opportunity for me to lessen that tower of books.
For my first review I went with Kate Morton’s The Secret Keeper.
First a disclaimer:
I’ve known Kate Morton as a writing colleague for years and we share the same agent. Along with many other writers and readers we also share a love of parallel timeline stories, mysteries, Enid Blyton, Barbara Vine and Daphne du Maurier. And so virtually any story Kate creates is going to be my cup of tea.
I love the cover design. It’s a gorgeous image and I had to look twice to check it wasn’t Kate herself.
The production team did a spectacular job with the end papers, which are reminiscent of a Persephone book (another thing I share with Kate is a love of Persephone books). And The Secret Keeper even had a brief Peter Pan mention.
I also love the title which lets you know exactly what this book is about. It also fits in nicely with Kate’s previous titles in its rhythm.
This is a big book. I had to cull several books to fit it on my shelf but I was prepared to do so because the cover design is so lovely.
I finished reading this book on a rainy Sunday night which of course is the perfect weather for a story such as this.
It’s always strange to read an author you know as you have to left go of your relationship to slip into the story, but as usual Kate lured me swiftly in to her web of parallel worlds of 1940s Blitz London, the smaller Australian thread in Tambourine Mountain and the present day/1960s and 2011 strands.
The book opens with a cracking scene as sixteen-year-old Laurel attempts to uncover the mystery behind why her mother stabbed a stranger to death as she looked on from her tree house. You always get a very strong visual sense when reading Kate’s books, which no doubt her drama training helped her develop.
I did spot the twist very early on, which is not Kate’s fault. It was more to do with so many people revealing online there was a twist and so I was on the hunt for it. If I’m going to be picky (and scratching hard for something here), the siblings never felt as developed as the leading characters. I kept getting confused with the siblings who weren’t in it a lot. And the characters seemed a bit too Downton Abbey ‘nice’, but that is also the broad appeal of Kate’s work as well.
In this book Kate seems to be having fun with us. The words play games and bounce along at times.
Kate’s skill is bringing history to life in a ‘can’t put the book down’ way. You catch glimpses of what it was like to live through 1940s Blitz London. I have been reading These Wonderful Rumours! A Young Schoolteacher’s Wartime Diaries 1939-1945 by May Smith.

This also gives you an insight into exactly what it was like for people living when normal life was ‘sort of as usual’ except bombs were going off down the road. One thing I really got from These Wonderful Rumours! was the effects of disrupted sleep from being summoned to air raid shelters in the middle of the night. And do you go coat shopping or to the cinema if they are sounding the raids? I can’t imagine living under the stress of this for years. I would highly recommend his book for the chirpy school teacher’s diaries of her war years.

Chirpy May Smith

Chirpy May Smith

But back to Kate and The Secret Keeper. I admire Kate’s elegant use of words and phrases which create such evocative pictures in your mind, such as on page 185 when the very-likeable Jimmy tries on his father’s suit. He reflects that his father ‘had always seemed such a giant but now it was possible he had merely been a man.’ Such a poignant world revealed in such few words.
And the vivid description on page 188 where Jimmy’s photographs reveal world of ‘private places suddenly made public’ of people’s homes who have been bombed.
The team leader, Mrs Waddingham, is described in Chapter 14 as having lips as tight as a ‘dachshund’s arse’. A glorious image which made me laugh out loud.
And so I finished the Secret Keeper as the rain pelted down outside with a satisfied sigh. I stroked that lovely book cover tenderly and slowly adjusted myself back to my ‘real world’ of Sydney 2013, realising I had to get ready for the school run but reluctant to bid farewell to her characters just yet.
And that is exactly how a great book and story should make you feel. Like many people around the world I am eagerly anticipating Kate’s next book.
On page 246, one of Jimmy’s photographs is of a little girl of 3 or 4 wearing an enormous pair of borrowed bloomers, an adult cardigan and tap shoes. She taps a little dance as she waits for the family who were never going to arrive to take her home. Jimmy’s images are said ‘to record individual tragedies such as a little girl losing her entire family which would otherwise be swept as easily as dust beneath history’s carpet.’
Kate’s The Secret Keeper also reminds us through a ‘can’t put it down’ good story of the human side of the Blitz. I was reminded of The Secret Keeper when I saw this recent quote on Good Reads.
Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment and saying: Let’s not forget this. Dave Eggers
I gave The Secret Keeper four stars out of 5.

A House With A Story

Hello, I’m up before dawn as we are taking Daisy to the hospital for an operation today.Any good energy sent to my daughter for healing very appreciated. I may be offline for a couple of days as I will be staying in the hospital. Just wanted to share this video clip I made recently for a behind the scenes glimpse of some of the inspirations of Poet’s Cottage. I’m no Orson Welles or Maya Deren but for a first attempt I didn’t do too badly. If you enjoyed the book please share the video with your contacts and on your social networking sites. It’s around 5 minutes. I shall make a smaller version as well.Thanks so much! xx

Vale Marguerite Eldridge


I was contacted on my Facebook by the ‘real-life’ gardener of Stanley who broke the sad news to me that Marguerite Eldridge (Meg) died in Tasmania last week. Her funeral service was today.
Readers of Poet’s Cottage will know that this creative, gentle lady formed one of the early inspirations for my character of Birdie Pinkerton (although I should point out, so as not to sully Marguerite’s reputation in any way, that Birdie rapidly took off into her own character).


It was Meg’s husband Lin who first told me the name of the cottage – once his cottage – that I felt so drawn to, which gave me the title for my book. He was kind enough to invite me to their home overlooking the sea, where I met Marguerite.

Although my time with this inspiring lady was very brief, I felt a strong bond with her which was intensified through reading her truly delightful self-published books on her life in the postcard pretty sea-fishing village. Memoirs such as Marguerite’s are invaluable because from the accounts of ’ordinary’ people you get a true rhythm and beat of a time and place. Her books were a great help in adding colour to my novel Poet’s Cottage.

Marguerite was kind enough to write me several much treasured cards and notes. When I last saw her she still had her twinkle, and her pretty face was as youthful as ever, but she did confide to me that she hoped she would still be alive the next time I visited Stanley.

I think this lovely spirit, who never saw the need to leave the great beauty of Stanley, would be surprised if she knew how much she had meant to me. It does give me some small joy to know that through my own novel, Poet’s Cottage, Marguerite’s books live on as well.


Marguerite’s book, Stories Of Stanley Tasmania, is definitely worth hunting down and reading if, like me, you love stories of daily life in small communities. Marguerite was honoured with a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2011 for her Artistic services to Stanley.

My most sincere condolence’s to Marguerite’s partner, Lin, and her family and friends.