Blackheath Mist


Some of you may have noticed my old website has gone off the air. I loved it and deeply appreciate all the hard work my webmistress/friend Rhondda put into creating it. But I couldn’t update it easily – I’m so pants at Dreamweaver and really don’t have much time to spare with writing and motherhood.

I have my Tale Peddler blog for my more personal online musings but I still wanted to have a website more streamlined towards writing and the inspirations and thoughts that feed my books. And so here is my new website, where you will find those posts. The domain name remains

If you are more interested in the chit-chat family gossip, thoughts on interior design, films, and the odd Johnny Depp post, then Tale Peddler is where you might like to visit.

Sometimes the posts will overlap. Perhaps in the future I might join them together, as I have done in the post below:

We are now home from the misty mountains where I travelled for research for ‘Currawong House’. The trip was totally blissful. So difficult to return to gritty Sydney after the peace in Blackheath and very pretty Leura.

Bluebells and daffodils were everywhere and Blackheath kindly turned on a wonderful mist for us. Sadly, she kept the snow back until our return much to Daisy’s disgust. We ate holiday type food, read holiday books, lazed and shopped in antique shops. I woke predawn everyday to write in my notebook, walk through dew-soaked grass and follow the Currawongs.

Since our return we have had drama emergency rushes to the hospital with Daisy. Our five-year-old daughter has the distinction of being one of the rare children with gallstones. Sunshine is soaking Sydney streets. I love this time of year when the terraces in the old streets seem bathed in light.

The book is forming itself. I feel the story beginning to rise like mist in Blackheath streets.

Thank you for visiting me. xx

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